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Author: Macco Blogger
| Inspection company
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As the global leader and innovator of color measurement instruments and technology, HunterLab knows that our color measurement instruments have to be as accurate and reliable as they are easy to use. Our full-line of products offer unprecedented flexibility to measure, monitor, analyze, and report results—seamlessly. Source
Infrared Non-Destructive Testing
Defects in a material cause temperature radiation to pass through the material at varying rates, and these differences are picked up by the IR camera. In this way, IRNDT can detect defects under the surface of a material such as cracks, voids, and impurities. Surface defects can also be identified like cracks, uneven mixtures, undercoating […]
As the global leader and innovator of color measurement instruments and technology, HunterLab knows that our color measurement instruments have to be as accurate and reliable as they are easy to use. Our full-line of products offer unprecedented flexibility to measure, monitor, analyze, and report results—seamlessly. Source
Fuel and Lubrication Testing Clark Testing Fuel and Lubrication Testing Laboratory specializes in wear testing of products based on test rigs such as Four-Ball wear (D4172, D2266), Hydraulic Pump Wear (D7043), and FZG Gear (D4998, D5182, DIN 51354, and ISO 14635). Clark Testing Fuels and Lubricants Laboratory is fully equipped to perform tests ranging from…
Oil Field Services, Oil Field Consultants on IndustryNet® AlabamaAlaskaAlbertaArizonaArkansasBritish ColumbiaCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisanaMaineManitobaMaryland/DCMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew BrunswickNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNewfoundland & LabradorNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaNorthwest TerritoriesNova ScotiaNunavutOhioOklahomaOntarioOregonPennsylvaniaPrince Edwards IslandQuebecRhode IslandSaskatchewanSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyomingYukon 1348513485:2003140001400114001:20041702517025:20051800190009000:20009000:20019000:200890019001:20009001:20019001:20089001:20159002AS9100AS9100:2009AS9100:2009CAS9100BAS9100CQS9000TS16949TS16949:2002TS16949:2009 Woman OwnedMinority OwnedVeteran Owned All TypesPublicPrivate All AreasInternationalNationalRegionalLocal Searching IndustryNet for oil field services, oil field consultants. 1,409 Verified Suppliers (Page 1 of 29) FEATURED SUPPLIERS…
Oil and Gas CFD Modeling We use Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to improve process performance. CFD simulations can easily assess design modifications and predict flow, heat transfer and species concentrations throughout an entire system. Field Testing We help you gather key performance data such as temperature, pressure, and velocity for a wide range of process…
Composite‐Check is a modular infrared non‐destructive testing (irNDT) system that uses active thermography for the reliable detection of delaminations, impact damages, “near side” defects, water inclusions, debondings, and other defects in composite materials. The system achieves precise measurements and is ideal for inspecting composite materials like carbonfiber reinforced plastics (CRP), glassfiber reinforced plastics (GRP), carbonfiber […]
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